I have a problem where I have to find multiple combinations of subsets within nested hashsets. Basically I have a "master" nested HashSet, and from a collection of "possible" nested HashSets I have to programmatically find the "possibles" that could be simultaneous subsets of the "master".
Lets say I have the following:
var master = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "A", "B", "C"}),
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "D", "E"}),
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "F"})
var possible1 = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "A", "B", "C"}),
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "F"})
var possible2 = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "D", "E"})
var possible3 = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "F"})
var possible4 = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z"})
var possible5 = new HashSet<HashSet<string>>(new HashSet<string>[] {
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "A", "B" }),
new HashSet<string>( new string[] { "D", "E"})
The output I should get from my algorithm should be as follows:
All possible combination subsets:
possible1 and possible2
possible3 and possible5
possible2 and possible3
I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach this. There is, of course, the brute force option, but I'm trying to avoid that if I can.
I just hope my question was clear enough.
To further elaborate on what constitutes a subset, here are some examples, given the master {{"A","B","C"},{"C","D","E",F"},{"X","Y","Z"}} :
- {{"A","B"}{"C","D"}} would be a subset of
- {{"A","B","C"},{"X","Y"}} would be a subset
- {{"A","B"},{"A","B"}} would NOT be a subset
- {{"A","B","C","D"}} would NOT be a subset
- {{"A","B","C"},{"C","D","X"}} would NOT be a subset
Basically each child set needs to be a subset of a corresponding child in the master.