I am trying to call an external stored procedure (calls an RPG program). I keep getting the following error:
"Exception Details: IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2SQLErrorException: SQL0104 Token @SSN was not valid. Valid tokens: :."
Here is my code:
using (iDB2Connection conn = new iDB2Connection(_CONNSTRING))
//string sqlStatement = "MPRLIB.SIGNTIMESHEET (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
iDB2Command cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.CommandText = sqlStatement;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@SSN", timesheet.EmployeeUniqueKey.ToString("0000000000"));
cmd.Parameters.Add("@SIGNATURE", timesheet.EmployeeTypedName);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@WORKSTATION", timesheet.EmployeeSignedComputer);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@TOTALHOURS", GetJobHoursTotal(timesheet.Id).ToString("00000.000").Replace(".", ""));
cmd.Parameters.Add("@COMMENT", timesheet.EmployeeComments);
I can't seem to figure out what is happening or why I am getting the above error. My connection string looks like:
private const string _CONNSTRING = "DataSource=;DefaultCollection=QMFILES;Naming=sql;UserID=XXX;Password=XXX;";
Could it be a library list issue? The program just references one file that is in the library list. Any suggestions?