



Hello all;

I'll get right to the point... I would like to display text and have a GUI option for leaving the scene once you collect 5 *wood. If you chose NOT to leave the scene than I would like it to disable the script "Timer" (Tagged 'Timer', In the Hierarchy its called 'Timer'). If you chose TO leave than I would like it to call the script named †'Fade Screen To Black' (Attached to the 'Main Camera' (A Child Of First Person 'Controller') tagged 'MainCamera') and change the scene to 'Credits' after 1 second.

I am willing to give credit for a WORKING script and I am willing to think about other options...

*5 of the wood tag †The Script Is HERE, You May Need To Look At That To Call The Script To fade Out...

Thank you guys for helping me so much!

-Gibson of GBSoftware-