I have a WCF service hosted that is returning a byte[] of protobuf-net serialized data. Originally this was hosted over the default webHttpBinding settings (SOAP) and everything was working properly. I recently found out that I need to call HTTP GETs and POSTs directly from our client so I thought it'd be easier to switch to use a RESTful service. I switched to use the WebGet attribute and the WCF REST Template.
I attempted to create a simple web site to test the client and I'm having trouble deserializing the data. This is an example of how I'm calling the service:
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
result = client.DownloadString(url);
// Deserialize
BinaryVehicles binVehs;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(StrToByteArray(result)))
binVehs = Serializer.Deserialize<BinaryVehicles>(ms);
An example of what is returned in "result": < base64Binary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">ChsKCzEyMy00NTYtNzg5EgU0NDAwMBoFQmxhY2sKHAoLOTYzLTg1Mi03NDESBTIzMDAwGgZTaWx2ZXI=< /base64Binary>
I also attempted to deserialize the data between the < base64Binary > tags with no results. Does anyone have any idea on how I should go about sending the binary protobuf-net data from an WebGet method and how I should deserialize the data? Thanks.