



I'm working on a project that needs a WYSIWYG editor, but I haven't had to integrate one in a while, so I'm not familiar with the latest and greatest ones. I've used both tinyMCE and nicEdit in the past and I'd prefer not to use tinyMCE for this project because of its large overhead.

I don't need it to be overly complex, but I need the ability to change the available buttons on a per-implementation basis, and good compatibility with jQuery and AJAX is a huge plus. Obviously, good clean HTML support is a necessity.

So what WYSIWYG editors have you found lately? What ones would you recommend?

P.S. I know this is sort of a duplicate of This Question, but that question is nearly a year old and things change quickly.

+1  A: 

YUI Rich Text Editor is free, open source and is commercially developed by Yahoo. Excellent forums and examples too.

Larry K
+4  A: 

I have used almost all of them and in my opinion, ckeditor (which evolved from fckeditor) is probably the best free one and integrates well with jQuery. others i like include cuteEditor (not free) and a relative newcomer called elrte

Scott Evernden
Ckeditor isn't written with help from jQuery, but it provides an adapter to easily integrate it using jQuery.
yeah absolutely true - i should have clarified that. tnx alex
Scott Evernden
+4  A: 

We use tinyMCE and it works well with jQuery.

Paul Alexander
Just keep in mind that there are problems loading the editor from across different domains. If you have, and you load the editor from, you'll have problems, even when setting document.domain.
+2  A: 

I've used JWYSIWYG for a couple projects where I needed something really light-weight that is an actual plugin. What features do you need?

+1  A: 

Another worth adding to the list is the Closure Library Editor from Google. This is the editor the use in Gmail, Google Sites and Google Groups. It is also very customizable.
