I've been collecting for years. This started out as a set of VBScript routines which I have since converted to VB6. This is a COM DLL, so I can use it almost anywhere in almost any language. I've spared you the boredom of all the enums.
EDIT: I agree in principle with Chris Lively's comment on a previous posting in this section. However, as I said in the comments, if the work I am doing was .NET related, I'd certainly be tossing my stuff for what, I assume, is best of breed. However, in my case, .NET is too readily decompiled (making it a kind of ersatz open source) and my employer wants to protect his intellectual property.
(Autogenerated by TLViewer, © Mark Pryor 2000-2003)
Library: Std
Description: Std
coclass Drives
Function DriveType(ByVal sDrv As String) As String
coclass Arrays
Function AAdd(aToThis ,ByVal xAddThis ) As Integer
Function AAdd_PostIncrement(a , ByVal X ) As Variant
Function AAdd_PreIncrement(a , ByVal X ) As Variant
Function AMax(aVec ) As Variant
Function AMin(aVec ) As Variant
Sub DeleteFirst(anArray )
Sub DeleteLast(anArray )
Sub DeleteNth(anArray , ByVal nElement As Long)
Function GenerateRange(nBot As Double, nTop As Double, [nStep As Double = 1]) As Variant
Function GenerateRangeFromString(sRange ) As Variant
Function InArray(sItem , aList ) As Boolean
Function Reverse1DArray(aInput ) As Variant
Function ShowStructure(vToShow ) As String
Function StrInArray(sItem , aList , [bCaseInsens As Boolean = True]) As String
coclass CmdLine
Property AppExeName([BaseOnly As Boolean = False]) As String [Get/o]
Property AppPath As String [Get/o]
Property Argument(ByVal Which As Long) As String [Get/o]
Property Arguments As Long [Get/o]
Property CaseSensitive As Boolean [Get/Let]
Function FlaggedArg(ByVal Flag As String) As String
Function FlagPresent(ByVal Flag As String) As Long
Function FlagPresentFromList(Flags () As Variant) As Boolean
Sub Refresh()
Function ToString() As String
coclass BigString
Sub ClearStr()
Function GetStr([ByVal vJoiner = ]) As String
Function GetStrArray() As Variant
Sub PutStr(ByVal vString )
coclass Config
Sub Define(sKey , sValue )
Property gsFilename As String [Get/Let]
Function List(sFilter ) As String
Function Load(sFile ) As Boolean
Function LoadW(sFile ) As Boolean
Function Recall(sKey ) As Variant
Function RecallElse(sKey , sDefault ) As Variant
Sub Save([sFile = ], [bAsAnsi = False])
Sub SaveW([sFile = ], [bAsAnsi = False])
coclass Collections
Function Add(vData , [sKey ]) As _Variable
Property AddOnly As Boolean [Get/Let]
Function Count() As Long
Function Exists(vntIndexKey ) As Boolean
Property Item(vntIndexKey ) As _Variable [Get/o]
Function Items() As Variant
Function Keys() As Variant
Sub Modify(sValue , sKey )
Property NewEnum As stdole.IUnknown [Get/o]
Sub Remove(vntIndexKey )
coclass Computers
Function ComputerName() As String
Function ExistsFolder(sComputer As String, sDir As String) As Boolean
Function GetComputers(sDomain As String)() As Variant
Function GetDomainComputers(ByVal strDomain As String)() As Variant
Function GetNBT(sComputer As String) As String
Function GetNBTA(sIPAddr As String) As String
Function GetNetView(sDomain As String) As String
Function GetOnlineComputers(sDomain As String)() As Variant
Function GetRemoteEnvironment(sComputer )() As Variant
Function GetSpecs(sComputer As String) As String
Function GetTheComputerName() As String
Function ResolveIP(sName As String) As String
coclass Logic
Function IIF(bCondition As Boolean, vTrue , vFalse ) As Variant
coclass Decimals
Property Dec As Variant [Get/Let]
coclass Domains
Function GetAvailableNTDomains()() As Variant
coclass Database
Sub CreateDatabase(sFile As String)
Sub CreateIndex(ByVal oDb As ADODB.Connection, sSpec As String)
Sub CreateStructure(ByVal oDb As ADODB.Connection, sSpec As String)
Function OpenDatabase(theFile As String) As ADODB._Connection
Function OpenRecordSet(ByVal oDb As ADODB.Connection, sQuery As String) As ADODB._Recordset
coclass DateTime
Function dbDate(vDate ) As String
Function GetGmtTime([StartingDate ]) As Date
Function GetTimeDifference() As Long
Function GetTimeHere(gmtTime As Date) As Date
Function InternetTimeToVbLocalTime(ByVal DateString As String) As Date
coclass Wallpaper
Function ActiveDesktopSetWallpaper(ByVal strFile As String) As Boolean
Sub At(ByVal nX As Integer, ByVal nY As Integer)
Sub AtSay(ByVal nX As Integer, ByVal nY As Integer, ByVal sText As String)
Sub Attributes(ByVal sAttribList As String)
Sub Colour(ByVal iFGColour As Long, ByVal iBGColour As Long)
Sub Dimensions(ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer)
Sub Font(ByVal sName As String, ByVal iSize As Integer)
Function LoadPic(sFilename As String, [nDestX As Integer = ], [nDestY As Integer = ]) As Variant
Property Picture As Object [Get/Set]
Sub SavePic(sFilename As String, [iType As Integer = 1])
Sub Say(ByVal sText As String)
Sub ScaleMode(ByVal iMode As Integer)
Function TextHeight(ByVal sText As String) As Integer
Function TextWidth(ByVal sText As String) As Integer
coclass Excel
Sub ExcelColumnNames(aHeadings () As Variant, [bBold As Boolean = True])
Sub ExcelNewSheet()
Sub ExcelStart([bHidden As Boolean = False])
coclass StopWatch
Sub Finish()
Function FinishTime() As Date
Function LapTime() As String
Function Seconds() As Integer
Sub Start()
Function StartTime() As Date
coclass Environments
Function GetProcessEnv(strEnvVar As String) As String
Function GetSystemEnv(strEnvVar As String) As String
Function GetUserEnv(strEnvVar As String) As String
Function GetVolatileEnv(strEnvVar As String) As String
coclass Schedule
Function AddTask(strTime , strCommand , [enDaysInWeek As ENUM_WEEKDAYS = ], [strDaysInMonth = ], [RunInteractive As Boolean = True], [ReOccuring As Boolean = True]) As Long
Function DeleteTask(lngID As Long) As Boolean
Function GetNameOfComputer() As String
coclass SymbolTable
Function Append(sName , sValue ) As String
Sub Clear()
Function Increment(sName ) As Integer
Function IsSym(sName ) As Boolean
Function Keys()() As Variant
Sub Parse(sData , sSep )
Function Recall(sName ) As Variant
Sub Remove(sData )
Sub Store(sName , vValue )
Sub StoreDup(sName , xValue )
Sub StoreDup2(sName , xValue )
Function SymList() As Variant
Function SymListText() As String
coclass Files
Function CollectFiles(sDirectory , sFileType ) As Variant
Sub DeleteFile(ByVal cFilename )
Function Exists(sFile ) As Boolean
Function FileHasBeenModified(sFile As String, dThen As Date) As Boolean
Function FileModificationDate(sFile As String) As Date
Function IsUTF16LE(sFile As String) As Boolean
Function RandomInputFile(sExt As String) As String
Function RandomOutputFile(sRandomInputFile As String, sExt As String) As String
Function ReadFileA(FileName ) As String
Function ReadFileE(FileName ) As String
Function ReadFileU(FileName ) As String
Function ReadFirstLineA(FileName ) As Variant
Function ReadFirstLineE(FileName ) As String
Function ReadFirstLineU(FileName ) As String
Sub WriteFileA(sFilename , sContents , nMode As Long)
Sub WriteFileB(sFilename , nOffset As Long, vData )
Sub WriteFileU(sFilename , sContents , nMode As Long)
coclass System
Function AvailableDesktopDimensions() As Variant
Function CaptureDOS(sCommand , [bSynch As Boolean = True]) As Variant
Function ConsoleWrite(sText As String) As Long
Function ConsoleWriteLine(sText As String) As Long
Function CreateGUID() As String
Function DesktopDimensions() As Variant
Function DoEventsSeconds(nSeconds As Integer) As Integer
Sub DoEventsSeconds2(iSeconds As Integer)
Function GetTheWindowsDirectory() As String
Function GetUUID(sUuid As String) As Boolean
Function KillProcess(ProcessName As String) As Boolean
Sub Navigate(ByVal NavTo As String)
Function SetProcessPriority(sProcess As String, nPriority As EPROCESS_PRIORITY ) As Boolean
Function ShellEx(ByVal sFile As String, [eShowCmd As EShellShowConstants = essSW_SHOWDEFAULT], [ByVal sParameters As String = ], [ByVal sDefaultDir As String = ], [sOperation As String = "open"], [Owner As Long = ]) As Boolean
Sub Sleep(nMilli As Integer)
Function SystemDefaultUILanguage() As Long
Function ThreadLocale() As Long
coclass Groups
Function GetComputerGroups(ByVal strComputerName As String)() As Variant
Function GetDefaultNamingContext() As String
Function GetGroups()() As Variant
coclass Help
Function HHDisplayHeadTopic(ByVal lHwnd As Long) As Long
Function HHDisplaySearch(ByVal lHwnd As Long, [toSearch As String = ]) As Long
Function HHHelpContents(ByVal lHwnd As Long) As Long
Function HHHelpIndex(ByVal lHwnd As Long, [toSearch As String = ]) As Long
Sub HHInitialize()
Function HHKeywordLookup(ByVal lHwnd As Long, [sKeyword As String = ]) As Long
Sub HHUninitialize()
Property sHelpFile As String [Get/Let]
coclass Number
Function IntegerToUnsigned(Value As Integer) As Long
Function LongToUnsigned(Value As Long) As Double
Function UnsignedToInteger(Value As Long) As Integer
Function UnsignedToLong(Value As Double) As Long
coclass IEDisplay
Sub Display(sMsg As String, nMillisec As Integer)
Sub Init(sPosition )
Property sName As String [Get/Let]
coclass Temp
Function GetTempFileName([sSeed As String = ]) As String
Function LocGetFilePath(ByVal iCFName As String) As String
Function TempDir() As String
Function TempDirWide() As String
Function TempFile(Create As Boolean, [lpPrefixString ], [lpszPath ]) As String
Function UnicodeTempFile(ByVal iFileName As String) As String
coclass INI
Sub Clear()
Function GetValue(sSection As String, sKey As String, strDefault As String) As String
Function HasSection(sSection As String) As Boolean
Function Load(sIniName As String) As Boolean
Function ReadINIA(sSection , sKeyName , sINIFileName ) As String
Function ReadINIU(sSection As String, sKeyName As String, sINIFileName As String) As String
Function WriteINIA(sSection , sKeyName , sNewString , sINIFileName ) As Boolean
Function WriteINIU(sSection As String, sKeyName As String, sNewString As String, sINIFileName As String) As Boolean
coclass Variable
Property Name As Variant [Get/Let/Set]
Property Value As Variant [Get/Let/Set]
coclass Mouse
Function Between(ByVal nNumber As Integer, ByVal nLowerBound As Integer, ByVal nUpperBound As Integer) As Boolean
Function MouseX([ByVal hWnd As Long = ]) As Long
Function MouseY([ByVal hWnd As Long = ]) As Long
coclass Traces
Sub ClearTrace()
Sub Trace([ByVal sTag = "!@#$%^&*()_"])
Property TraceFile As String [Get/Let]
Property Tracing As Boolean [Get/Let]
coclass Registry
Property ClassKey As ERegistryClassConstants [Get/Let]
Sub CreateAdditionalEXEAssociations(ByVal sClassName As String, vItems () As Variant)
Sub CreateEXEAssociation(ByVal sExePath As String, ByVal sClassName As String, ByVal sClassDescription As String, ByVal sAssociation As String, [ByVal sOpenMenuText As String = "&Open"], [ByVal bSupportPrint As Boolean = False], [ByVal sPrintMenuText As String = "&Print"], [ByVal bSupportNew As Boolean = False], [ByVal sNewMenuText As String = "&New"], [ByVal bSupportInstall As Boolean = False], [ByVal sInstallMenuText As String = ], [ByVal lDefaultIconIndex As Long = -1])
Function CreateKey() As Boolean
Property Default As Variant [Get/Let]
Function DeleteKey() As Boolean
Function DeleteValue() As Boolean
Function EnumerateSections(sSect () As String, iSectCount As Long) As Boolean
Function EnumerateValues(sKeyNames () As String, iKeyCount As Long) As Boolean
Property KeyExists As Boolean [Get/o]
Property Machine As String [Get/Let]
Property SectionKey As String [Get/Let]
Property Value As Variant [Get/Let]
Property ValueEx(ClassKey As ERegistryClassConstants , SectionKey As String, ValueKey As String, ValueType As ERegistryValueTypes , Default ) As Variant [Get/Let]
Property ValueKey As String [Get/Let]
Property ValueType As ERegistryValueTypes [Get/Let]
coclass Users
Function GetComputerUsers(ByVal strComputerName As String)() As Variant
Function GetComputerUsers2(ByVal strComputerName )() As Variant
Function GetDomainUser(sComputer As String) As String
Function GetLoginProfiles(sComputer )() As Variant
Function GetMac(sDevice ) As String
Function GetNameAndDescription(spDomain As String, sUsername As String) As String
Function GetOUofUser(sDomain As String, sUsername As String) As String
coclass Sort
Sub heapsort(aVec )
Sub quicksort(aVec )
Sub shellsort(a0 , [bAscending As Boolean = True])
Sub shellSortOnField(aVec , ByVal nField As Integer, ByVal sFieldSep , [nComparisonType As SSOF_COMPARISON = SSOF_NUMERICAL])
Function sorted()() As Variant
coclass Strings
Function AnyOf(sText , nOperator As AO_COMPARATORS , sChar ) As Boolean
Function AnyOfList(sText , nOperator As AO_COMPARATORS , aChar ) As Boolean
Function AsString(X ) As String
Function BeginsWith(sText , sBeginning , [bCaseInsensitive As Boolean = True]) As Boolean
Function Between(sText , sBegin , sEnd ) As String
Function ByteArrayToString(aBytes () As Byte) As String
Function ComprehendCSV(sText ) As Variant
Function Contains(sText , sChunk , [bCaseInsensitive As Boolean = True]) As Boolean
Function CountFields(strText , strDelim ) As Integer
Function DQ(s ) As String
Function EndsWith(sText , sEnding , [bCaseInsensitive As Boolean = True]) As Boolean
Function EndsWithSet(sText , vEnding , [bCaseInsensitive As Boolean = True]) As Boolean
Function FirstLineOf(sData ) As String
Function FirstWord(sText ) As String
Function ForceExtension(sFilename , sExtension ) As String
Function HexDump(sData ) As String
Function HTMLWrap(sTag , sContent ) As String
Function LastLineOf(sData ) As String
Function LeftFill(sText , nLen , sFill ) As String
Function LeftOf(sText , sItem ) As String
Function LeftOfLast(sText , sItem ) As String
Function NthField(sText , sDelimiter , nReqdField ) As String
Function NthLineOf(n As Integer, sData ) As String
Function RemoveSpaces(sText ) As String
Function Reverse(sText ) As String
Function RightFill(sText , nLen , sFill ) As String
Function RightOf(sText , sItem ) As String
Function RightOfLast(sText , sItem ) As String
Function SplitSet(ByVal sString , ByVal sSet ) As Variant
Function StringConversion(s , n As Integer) As String
Function StringMap(sText , aFrom , vTo ) As String
Function StringToByteArray(ByVal sString )() As Byte
Function Subst(sText , paArgList () As Variant) As String
Function Subst2(sText , paArgList () As Variant) As String
Function ZeroFill(nNum , nWidth ) As String
Function Zerofill2(nNum ) As String