not sure of what to put as the title here, but basically I am using subsonic in forms C# and I have an instance where I need to loop through a recordset and for each one call the Database to get specific information from a view about that record.
in this instance it is a venue, loop through and for each venue I show there spend and there budget, but I am at a loss as to how I can say use a gridview, execute more code on each row and then add more columns to that row.
many thanks for all advise
just as an update i have been playing with the idea of something like this:
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Tables.Add(LinqToDataTable(club.All().Where(x => x.level == 1)));
ds.Tables.Add(LinqToDataTable(ViewBudgetSpend.All().Where(x => x.periodfrom == curperiod)));
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("budgets",ds.Tables[0].Columns["clubId"],ds.Tables[1].Columns["clubid"]);
still working this out though.