I am relatively new to Python, and I am experimenting with writing the following date calc functions
- find the date that is/was Monday for a specified datetime
- find the first non-weekend day of the month in a specified datetime
- find the first non-weekend day of the year in a specified datetime
- find the Nth [day of week] for a month in a specified datetime
Here are my attempts so far - if the logic can be improved (or corrected) to be more 'Pythonic', please let me know
import datetime
def find_month_first_monday(tstamp = datetime.today()):
day_of_month = datetime.date.today().timetuple()[2]
day_of_week = datetime.weekday(tstamp)
# now I have the dow, and dom, I can index into a 2D array of
# dates for the month - IF I knew how to get to that array ...
def find_first_gbd_in_month(tstamp = datetime.today()):
# naive way would be to find the month and year from the passed in arg,
# calculate the first day for that month/year and iterate until a non-weekend day
# is found. Not elegant, there must be a better way
def find_first_gbd_in_year(tstamp = datetime.today()):
# Ditto, as above.
def find_ndow_in_month(tstamp = datetime.today()):
# again, I can get the month and the year from the passed in argument
# what I need is a 2D array of dates for the month/year, so I can get
# the nth dow (similar to reading off a calendar)