I am having problems with postbacks.
I have a dropdownlist that i add items to at runtime. When i select a item in the dropbox a treeview is filled with items that have the same pID value as the object selected in the dropdownlist.
But when i select a node in the treeview everything goes back to "normal" state. The dropbox will go to selectindex -1 and the treeview disappear.
I have theese controllers in a master page if that matters.
This is my code.
public partial class Nemanet : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
nemanetDataContext dc = new nemanetDataContext();
Guid userGuid = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
bool reloadPeriod = true;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (reloadPeriod == true)
reloadPeriod = false;
var query = from n in dc.Nemanet_Navigations
where n.UserId == userGuid && n.Nav_pID == null
orderby n.Nav_Name ascending
select n;
foreach (var period in query)
ListItem period_listitem = new ListItem(period.Nav_Name, period.Nav_ID.ToString());
protected void dropdown_navigation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var query = from n in dc.Nemanet_Navigations
where n.UserId == userGuid
orderby n.Nav_Name ascending
select n;
foreach (var course in query)
if (course.Nav_pID.ToString() == dropdown_navigation.SelectedValue)
TreeNode course_node = new TreeNode(course.Nav_Name, course.Nav_ID.ToString());
course_node.NavigateUrl = "Default.aspx?navigateID=" + course.Nav_ID;
foreach (var chapter in query)
if (chapter.Nav_pID.ToString() == course_node.Value)
TreeNode chapter_node = new TreeNode(chapter.Nav_Name, chapter.Nav_ID.ToString());
chapter_node.NavigateUrl = "Default.aspx?navigateID=" + chapter.Nav_ID;
foreach (var subject in query)
if (subject.Nav_pID.ToString() == chapter_node.Value)
TreeNode subject_node = new TreeNode(subject.Nav_Name, subject.Nav_ID.ToString());
subject_node.NavigateUrl = "editor.aspx?navigateID=" + subject.Nav_ID;