Got a bit of an odd situation which I'm trying to map in Fluent nHibernate and failing. I have an Asset object which contains both an Image object and a File object. The Id of Image and File is identical, and the Image object contains a File object. This situation arises because an Image is always also a File (which is why the Id's have to match) but a File is not always an image.
I've mapped this as follows:
Public Sub New()
Id(Function(x) x.Id)
Map(Function(x) x.DisplayOrder)
Map(Function(x) x.Text).Length(10000)
Map(Function(x) x.Title)
Map(Function(x) x.Width)
Map(Function(x) x.Height)
References(Function(x) x.Image).LazyLoad().Cascade.All()
References(Function(x) x.File).LazyLoad().Cascade.All()
References(Function(x) x.Row).Cascade().All()
Map(Function(x) x.AssetType).CustomType(Of AssetType)()
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Id(Function(x) x.ID)
Map(Function(x) x.Height)
Map(Function(x) x.Width)
Map(Function(x) x.AltText)
Map(Function(x) x.ToolTip)
Map(Function(x) x.ImageStatus).CustomType(Of ImageStatus)()
References(Function(x) x.Product).Nullable()
HasOne(Function(x) x.File).Constrained()
References(Function(x) x.ViewTag)
HasManyToMany(Function(x As Image) x.ProductOptionValues).Table("ImageVsProductOptionValues").LazyLoad().Cascade.All()
HasManyToMany(Function(x As Image) x.MappedCategories).Table("CategoryVsImage").LazyLoad().Cascade.All().Inverse()
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Id(Function(x) x.Id)
Map(Function(x) x.Data).LazyLoad().Length(Integer.MaxValue)
Map(Function(x) x.MimeType)
Map(Function(x) x.Size)
Map(Function(x) x.Filename)
Map(Function(x) x.LastDateModified)
Map(Function(x) x.DateCreated)
End Sub
I've run into trouble trying to use the following code to create a new image and add it to an Asset and save it.
If oAsset.Image Is Nothing Then
currentImage = New CMS.DataTransferObjects.Image
currentFile = New CMS.DataTransferObjects.File
currentImage = oAsset.Image
currentFile = oAsset.File
End If
currentFile.Data = ms.ToArray
currentFile.MimeType = mimeType
currentFile.Filename = filImgUpload.FileName
currentFile.Size = filImgUpload.ContentLength
currentImage.Width = CInt(Utils.Convert.ToInt64(UploadedImage.PhysicalDimension.Width))
currentImage.Height = CInt(Utils.Convert.ToInt64(UploadedImage.PhysicalDimension.Height))
If oAsset.Image Is Nothing Then
oAsset.Image = currentImage
oAsset.File = currentFile
'currentImage = oAsset.Image
'currentFile = oAsset.File
End If
I then call an nHibernate manager and try up .Update the Asset, which results in the following error:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK30EBACDFED57EBE9". The conflict occurred in database "BDM1_TestBed", table "dbo.File", column 'Id'.
Can anyone help sort out this mess - I assume my mappings are wrong, but I'm not sure how to improve them?