



Hi all,

can someone explain me how to check LINQ generated SQL queries in VWD 2008?

I just have not enough time for figuring it out by myself, so any help is appreciated


EDIT: I am using SQL Server 2008, Entity Framework and ASP.NET MVC

+1  A: 

You could buy Linq to Sql profiler.

It's pretty steep (imo) but looks like a great tool if you can afford it or justify the costs.

There are free ways to do what you ask but I cant remember off the top of my head.

I am assuming you are also using SQL Server Express. Check this thread out.

Addendum, just noticed you are actually using Linq to Entities. The same guy sells this for that framework.

Sorry for the rather vague options but I hope they help. You orginally said you was pressed for time (before editing) so i helped you do the groundwork for some reasearch.

Thank you for the options, but i really can't go with buying something, as i am on summer practice, and i'll be gone from this place in less than two months :)

Use SQL Server Profiler (free with SQL Server, which you say you already have) or LINQPad.

Craig Stuntz