


#! /usr/local/bin/perl 
sub getClusters
my @clusters = `/qbo/bin/getclusters|grep -v 'qboc33'`;
return \@clusters;

ummm okay .. how do I get at this array to print since ...

foreach $cluster (getClusters())
{ print $cluster."\n"; }

doesn't seem to work. Thanks.

+5  A: 

You are returning a reference, and not dereferencing it anywhere.

foreach $cluster (@{getClusters()})


return @clusters;

Either should fix it (with slightly different effects), with the first one being preferred (your array is kind of big).

You'd use the non-referenced array return for limited number of elements, usually for the purpose of multi-return (thus, usually, limited to 2 or 3, known-length arrays).

-1, returning an array over an arrayref is bad advice. Remove that part and +1
@vol7ron: Not advice, I just said what will work. You do have a point, however. I made it explicit when to use which. (Returning an array has its place, thus I prefer to clarify instead of remove.)
+1. There's nothing at all wrong with returning an array. There are lots of things to consider, such as the typical array size, and how the sub will behave in context.
+1 returned for your edit. I want to also correct my comment: my comment, a list is being returned, not an array. Still, there is a performance hit, where one doesn't need to occur, as minimal as it is, arrayrefs should still be encouraged.
+1  A: 

If you ran your program under use strict; use warnings;, it would have told you why it failed. As Amadan said, you need to dereference the reference you return.


To make it easy, you can first receive the return value and then print it like

use strict;
use warning;
my $cluster_array = getClusters();
 my @cluster_return = @{$cluster_array};
foreach my $cluster(@cluster_return){
Nikhil Jain
+1  A: 

Perl Solution

use strict;
use warnings;


sub main{
      local $"    =  "\n";
      print "@{getClusters()}";

sub getClusters{
   my @tArray  =  `/qbo/bin/getclusters|grep -v 'qboc33'`;
   chomp @tArray;
   return \@tArray;


  1. You don't need a foreach loop for debugging, you can just reset the $" operator however to separate array elements however you like (eg, , ,, or how I set it in the code above \n).
  2. Returning an array ref is a plus, don't send back the full array (good job)
  3. use strict/warnings, especially when debugging
  4. try to avoid system calls using ``
I still like this solution better as it introduces the `$"`, one of the more uncommon special variables, which reduces the need for a loop in this case.
But you modify `$"` over the entire program. `local` means that `getClusters` and anything it calls will see the modified value. With something as heavily used as `$"`, you are begging to break a larger program. If you must munge globals, restrict the effects as tightly as possible. This is much safer: `my $clusters = getClusters(); { local $" = "\n"; print @$clusters; }`
**@daotoad:** You made an excellent point, which I credited, however that is why local was used - it only applies it to the main function and any subroutine called within it. **Note:** your `@$clusers` needs to be contained in a set of double quotes (`""`). Also, `$"` is not used that heavily, primarily in debugging. **Update:** I've modified the code, if `getClusters()` is a special case that requires the `$"` to be at it's default, it can define `$"=' '` inside it. Otherwise, limiting to a sub-block of main is fine.
I'm not sure why this answer is being downvoted, it is superior in explanation and example.