I have a database with one table, like so:
UserID (int), MovieID (int), Rating (real)
The userIDs and movieIDs are large numbers, but my database only has a sample of the many possible values (4000 unique users, and 3000 unique movies)
I am going to do a matrix SVD (singular value decomposition) on it, so I want to return this database as an ordered array. Basically, I want to return each user in order, and for each user, return each movie in order, and then return the rating for that user, movie pair, or null if that user did not rate that particular movie. example:
99835 8847874 4
99835 8994385 3
99835 9001934 null
99835 3235524 2
109834 8847874 null
109834 8994385 1
109834 9001934 null
This way, I can simply read these results into a two dimensional array, suitable for my SVD algorithm. (Any other suggestions for getting a database of info into a simple two dimensional array of floats would be appreciated)
It is important that this be returned in order so that when I get my two dimensional array back, I will be able to re-map the values to the respective users and movies to do my analysis.