Does anyone have information on how to create a custom word breaker for SQL Server 2005. I'd prefer to write it in c#. I need to be able to search on terms such as 'c#', 'f#' etc but the '#' character is a word breaker in the English (UK) word breaker component and can't be changed in any other way.
I have found the following article which provides an incomplete (the IWordSink interface is missing) sample and references an article that is no longer available. This article also doesn't provide any of the thread-checking code I'd expect to see. http://bytes.com/topic/sql-server/answers/864969-custom-wordbreaker-sql-server-full-text
Alternately, someone could point me to how to decompile the existing English word breaker 'langwrbk.dll' so I could make the little change I need the existing code?