I have this code, and I cant seem to get the width to come out right after I resize the div.
this.area = $('<div class="dynamic-pinpoint-area"><div id="inner"></div></div>');
var area= this.area;
this.area.click(function(event) {
area.css('border', '1px dashed #000000');
area.children('div').css('border', '1px dashed #FFFFFF');
handles: 'all',
containment: image.canvas,
stop: function(event, ui){
var offset = area.offset();
myPinpoint = {
"top": offset.top,
"left": offset.left,
"width": area.width(),
"height": area.height(),
"position": position,
"editable": true };
$.fn.mapImage.updatePinpoint(image, myPinpoint, position);
//$.fn.pinpointImage.add(image, myPinpoint);
The width or height function dont work, if you could help that would be great. Thanks!