



I solved my class library problem - my constructor that i created was done with a capital Public instead of public. Punctuation makes a world of difference in Visual Studio. Therefore i can now make, build, and implement within a winform application. Thank you for helping me see the light. But now comes the real problem.

When i use Console Application - i can use a class library dll without any problem using a constructor taking one parameter for input. And i can create a winform application without a class library. (i created a separate class with all logic - no problem.) And i was able to use the debug tool in visual studio 2010 - no problem.

And now the problem - when i placed the logic to a class library, build the winform application, adding the reference to the class library - i test out the logic beginning from a button on the winform taking input from a textbox - nothing happens. i tried debugging this in the same way without the class library - nothing happens.

Is there anything special i have to do like enabling something in visual studio before debugging in visual studio????? (the same is true for visual studio ult 2010 and 2008 professional). Or maybe i discovered something new that needs to be addressed by microsoft or perhaps there is a workaround. help help help