




We have a requirement to replace our current login, for a web-application written in JSF using single sign-on. Currently our login.jsp invokes the authenticate method on a backing bean to achieve this and perform additional role validations. Now authentication will be done by my single sign-on server, but how do i invoke the authenticate method on the backing bean to perform the role validations


Set request parameters as managed properties and use the @PostConstruct annotation to execute some code immediately after bean construction and managed property setting.

You can set GET or POST request parameters as managed properties as follows:


Or if you're already on JSF 2.0, then you can just use @ManagedProperty:

private String name1;

private String name2;

Those parameters will be set when the enduser fires a GET or POST request with a name1=value1&name2=value2 query string. The #{param.name1} EL expression basically stands for the result of request.getParameter("name1").

Now create a @PostConstruct method like follows:

public void init() {
    if (name1 != null && name2 != null) {
        // Both request parameters are been set. Do your thing here!