I'm getting a InvalidOperationException when trying to run this code:
database.Produkts.SingleOrDefault<Produkt>(x => x.Kod == "123")
It only occurs when the Kod
property has an override modifier.
I need it this way because the entity class is derived from another class that resides in a separate assembly.
Here's how the classes are defined:
The base class:
namespace Interfaces.Model
[DataContract(Name = "Produkt", Namespace = "")]
public class Produkt
public virtual string Kod { get; set; }
The class generated by Linq:
namespace DAL.Linq
public partial class Produkt : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
[Column(Storage="_Kod", DbType="NVarChar(50) NOT NULL", CanBeNull=false)]
public override string Kod
return this._Kod;
if ((this._Kod != value))
this._Kod = value;
And the second part of the definition:
namespace DAL.Linq
[DataContract(Name = "Produkt", Namespace = "")]
partial class Produkt : Interfaces.Model.Produkt
Now retrieving all the instances from the database (without the filter/where caluse) will work just fine. It's only that building a predicate that includes the overridden property will not.
I assume that it's some kind of a problem related to retrieving the property's attributes with reflection as the exception gets thrown from the method GetDataMember
of the System.Data.Linq.Mapping.MetaType
My real question is if this is a Linq bug or can I somehow make Linq recognize this property to attribute mapping?