



My current code looks like this, how can I pass my array to the controller and what kind of parameters must my controller action accept?

function getplaceholders() {
    var placeholders = $('.ui-sortable');
    var result = new Array();
    placeholders.each(function() {
        var ph = $(this).attr('id');
        var sections = $(this).find('.sort');
        var section;

        sections.each(function(i, item) {
            var sid = $(item).attr('id');

            result.push({ 'SectionId': sid, 'Placeholder': ph, 'Position': i });
        function(data) {
        }, "json");


My controller action method looks like

public JsonResult SaveOrUpdate(IList<PageDesignWidget> widgets)

Thanx in advance.

+5  A:

Towards the second half of that post, to quote:

"Now we need to accept Json and Xml payload, delivered via HTTP POST. Sometimes your client might want to upload a collection of objects in one shot for batch processing. So, they can upload objects using either Json or Xml format. There's no native support in ASP.NET MVC to automatically parse posted Json or Xml and automatically map to Action parameters. So, I wrote a filter that does it."

He then implements an action filter that maps the json to c# objects with code shown.

(It is sad most of my answers are links!)

I was just writing my anwser. But I will post it anyway ;-)
Yah, looks like Steve Gentile also read Omar's post!
Yeah I've also read Omar's post
+22  A: 

I've found an solution. I use an solution of Steve Gentile

My aspnet mvc view code looks like:

function getplaceholders() {
        var placeholders = $('.ui-sortable');
        var results = new Array();
        placeholders.each(function() {
            var ph = $(this).attr('id');
            var sections = $(this).find('.sort');
            var section;

            sections.each(function(i, item) {
                var sid = $(item).attr('id');
                var o = { 'SectionId': sid, 'Placeholder': ph, 'Position': i };
        var postData = { widgets: results };
        var widgets = results;
            url: '/portal/Designer.mvc/SaveOrUpdate',
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: $.toJSON(widgets),
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            success: function(result) {

and my controller action is decorated with an custom attribute

[JsonFilter(Param = "widgets", JsonDataType = typeof(List<PageDesignWidget>))]
public JsonResult SaveOrUpdate(List<PageDesignWidget> widgets

Code for the custom attribute can be found here(Broken link)

Because the link is broken this is the code for the JsonFilterAttribute

public class JsonFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
    public string Param { get; set; }
    public Type JsonDataType { get; set; }
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType.Contains("application/json"))
            string inputContent;
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream))
                inputContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
            var result = JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(inputContent, JsonDataType);
            filterContext.ActionParameters[Param] = result;
Nice work here!
Looks great - The blog post and custom attribute code links don't work anymore - can you repost?