Hi all , I'm a beginner in C# and having hard times understanding Events in C# .. The book i read (Illustrated C# 2008) gives an example about it , and there are few thing i need to ask about , so i will past the code here and point out the things i don't understand .
public class MyTimerClass
public event EventHandler Elapsed;
private void OnOneSecond(object source, EventArgs args)
if (Elapsed != null)
Elapsed(source, args);
class ClassA
public void TimerHandlerA(object obj, EventArgs e) // Event handler
Console.WriteLine("Class A handler called");
class ClassB
public static void TimerHandlerB(object obj, EventArgs e) // Static
Console.WriteLine("Class B handler called");
class Program
static void Main( )
ClassA ca = new ClassA(); // Create the class object.
MyTimerClass mc = new MyTimerClass(); // Create the timer object.
mc.Elapsed += ca.TimerHandlerA; // Add handler A -- instance.
mc.Elapsed += ClassB.TimerHandlerB; // Add handler B -- static.
Ok, now the line after declaring the event here public event EventHandler Elapsed;
which is private void OnOneSecond(object source, EventArgs args)
i know that the two line after it is to check if the event contains methods or not , but what is OnOneSecound
for ? or when it's called ? or what it's named .. it's not event handler i guess right ? and what's the relationship between Elapsed
and OnOneSecond
sorry for the newbie question .. and thanks in advance :)