




hi, i'm a beginner in mef and so i have a question :) i have the following:

public class SharedExport : INPCBase
    [ImportMany(typeof(INonShared),RequiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
    private IEnumerable<Lazy<INonShared,Dictionary<string,object>>> fac;


    public void Open()
        foreach (var lazy in fac)


the imported classes all marked as nonshared.

public sealed class NonShared1 : INPCBase, INonShared
    public NonShared1()
        Debug.WriteLine("ctor NonShared1" + this.GetHashCode().ToString());

    #region Implementation of INonShared

    public string Displayname
        get { return "Muster 030 "+ this.GetHashCode().ToString(); 


now my question: when Open() execute, shouldn't there always a new NonShared1 instance be created? i got always the same.

+1  A: 

No, because of the Lazy<> instance. A Lazy<T> is designed for lazy loading of a value. The value is created the first time you access the .Value property, and the same instance is returned for all access to that property thereafter. The NonShared/Shared creation policy comes into play doing the import process, so through property injection, constructor injection, field injection, .GetExportedValue etc...

Matthew Abbott
thanks. so CompositionContainer.ReleaseExport(lazy) didn't work either? all i want is to dispose the lazy instance :)
the crazy thing is, i got a second prototyp app with the mefedmvvm lib and there this works ... i got everytime a new instance. but i don't get the difference to my testapp:)
+3  A: 

Matthew is correct about the Shared/NonShared aspect only affecting the instance given at each import, you will not get a new instance every time you pull on Lazy.Value. If what you want is to get a new instance each time and dispose it you might look into using ExportFactory. Currently ExportFactory only exists in the Silverlight version of MEF but there is a sample project on mef.codeplex.com that adds the functionality to the desktop version of MEF if you really need this functionality.

Wes Haggard
thx for the ExportFactory hint. i will give it a try :)
i tried the exportFactory for desktop version, but still has some problems. i've post the question at http://mef.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=207539. maybe you have time to look at it? thx frank
got ExportFactory working now, thx a lot for this tip