



I'm using jQuery to retrieve some JSON data from an URL. I feed that data into a Google DataTable, create a Google AreaChart and draw the chart using the DataTable. Initialization of the charts is done in a function registered via setOnLoadCallback (as it's done in the Google examples). Everything works fine in IE, but not in Firefox. Sometimes I see the chart flushing for a very short moment, so I guess it's somehow drawn but not shown.

What I have verified so far:

  • Using Firebug I cannot see any javascript error or exception.
  • JSON data is retrieved correctly.
  • DataTable is created correctly. I can convert it back via toJSON() and can display the original data. I also inspected the data via Firebug. Everything looks fine.
  • The div to be used to create the AreaChart is found and seems to be the correct element.
  • An alert at the very end of the complete init process is displayed, so there seems to be no error.

Any hint how to fix this or to debug any further?

cheers, Achim