




Hello, I'm looking for the complete steps for setting up SubSonic 3 with Oracle 10g. I see a lot of pieces out there, but no clear list.

Please correct me where I'm wrong:

  1. Create Class Library (.net 3.5)
  2. create an app.config with a valid connectionString to your db
  3. Download the latest version of SubSonic 3 (today it's SubSonic_3.0.0.4)
  4. add the dll SubSonic.Core.dll as a reference
  5. Go to: SubSonic-3.0-Templates / TemplateProviders and get 3 files: Oracle.ttinclude OracleDataProvider.ttinclude Settings.ttinclude
  6. find the folder: SubSonic 3.xxx\T4 Templates\ActiveRecord
  7. copy over the 3 files from step 4 into this folder
  8. update: Settings.ttinclude to have your namespace and connection string
  9. create a folder in your project called /Model/
  10. drag and drop the files, from step 7, into this folder
  11. cross your fingers
  12. I get error:

Error 2 Compiling transformation: The name 'CleanUp' does not exist in the current context c:\Subversion Store\project\Models\SQLServer.ttinclude

Or should I instead download: mabraham1 / LINQ2Oracle I do not see any documentation on this site about how to get up and running.