



There is a server which sends some data in Octet strings. For example it is sending


like this, then I need to convert this into a string and store it into a buffer.

If I decode that converted string it has give the same 000405080065233E octet string again. How can I do this? Can anybody suggest some solution?


This looks like hex to me.

Or what is the E doing at the end of the string?


I'm not too sure what you're asking here. What is the initial form of the data? Is it some sort of int type or an array of char's?

If you have a number and want to convert that to a character, do like so:

short number = 5;
char character = '0'+5;

which works by adding the ascii value of '0' to 5, since the numbers are in order. Repeat per character, and append to your desired string.

Adam Shiemke

If you really have the data in a string (your terms are not so clear to me) have a look into the strtol functions. There you may pass the base of your integers as a parameter.

Jens Gustedt

Don't understand the question, do you want to transform that number in ASCII characters?

I don't know, but maybe a cast would work:

int number = 00405080065233E;
char foo = (char)number;

What does it mean? Do you want to encrypt it and pass and then decrypt it? Check out cryptography

Praveen S