I have a class 'Database' that works as a wrapper for ADO.net. For instance, when I need to execute a procedure, I call Database.ExecuteProcedure(procedureName, parametersAndItsValues).
We are experiencing serious problems with Deadlock situations in SQL Server 2000. A part of our team is working on the sql code and transactions to minimize these events, but I'm thinking about making this Database class robust against deadlock situations.
I wish the deadlock victim could be able to redo its locked actions, try again after some time, but I don't know if it is possible. There is the code for a method we use:
public int ExecuteQuery(string query)
int rows = 0;
Command.Connection = Connection;
Command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
if(DatabaseType != enumDatabaseType.ORACLE)
Command.CommandText = query;
Command.CommandText ="BEGIN " + query + " END;";
if (DatabaseType != enumDatabaseType.SQLCOMPACT)
Command.CommandTimeout = Connection.ConnectionTimeout;
if (Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
rows = Command.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception exp)
//Could I add here any code to handle it?
throw new Exception(exp.Message);
if (Command.Transaction == null)
_connection = null;
Command = null;
return rows;
Can I do this handling inside a catch block?