Does anyone know how I can concatenate two columns in my subsonic datasource? I want to display a first and last name in this dropdownlist but I don't want to put them in the same SQL column.
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know how I can concatenate two columns in my subsonic datasource? I want to display a first and last name in this dropdownlist but I don't want to put them in the same SQL column.
Thanks in advance!
As with anything, can be done many different ways.
The first that comes to mind is: You could a new anonymous object in the select and concatenate them there.
On way (SubSonic 3 only)
var result = (
from p in products
select new { Id = p.Id,
DisplayName = p.ProductCode + " " + p.ProductName }
Another approach (SubSonic 2)
public class ProductList
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Displayname {get;set;}
public void Foo()
var result = DB.Select
"Concat(" + Product.Columns.ProductCode + ", "
Product.Columns.ProductName + ") as DisplayName"
Or with a DataTable
var result = new ProductCollection().Load().ToDataTable();
"DisplayName", typeof(string), "ProductCode + ' ' + ProductName"
The last parameter is a expression (as defined here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810291.aspx )