



There are lots of real time web stats services on the web (w3counter-histats-gostats).They just count once when page is requested , But what I want to do is track javascript functions/events, because my website is fully-ajax.So I want something like google analytic's event tracker ( , but real time , and very simple .It can be hosted or just a php script.Thank you .

example events

  • user created something
  • user deleted something
  • ajax error happend
  • browser eror happend
  • user logged in

I found my answer take a look

+2  A: 

If you're using jQuery, you can run code during the $.ajaxSuccess event

why the downvote?
This is not related to my question. I asked what is the best way to record all these events and errors to database and report time live.
how is it not related? i don't know what stat tracking program you're using. i simply gave you a method to run code to track when something happens. completely relevant if you ask me.
I did not asked How to detect AjaxSucces . I asked how to track all my javascript event , record and report them .
It is related, a do-it-yourself solution.
@oguz Of course you didn't ask how to detect ajax success. that would be a silly, self-answering question. you asked "my page is ajax. i need a way to track hits. How do i do this?" i responded with, "run your hit tracking code during the ajaxsuccess event". i'm not going to tell you step by step how to track your own analytics! how would i know anything about your database, etc?

Use Google Analytics and _trackPageview() as outlined here!

Edit: If that doesn't give you the solution that you are looking for, I think you are looking for a service that doesn't yet exist, in which case, take Jason's $.ajaxSuccess() suggestion and make your own.

I am asking that If there is a php script like that , or if there is a free service likte that.
Whoops. Edited my answer.

This is what I am looking for , Unfortunately, This is not free , But I hope I will find one .

checkout, it's in a private beta but a really cool product
+2  A: 

It's not so hard to implement your own. You just send request to the server when an event happens like: tracker.gif?action=create&what=sth, tracker.gif?action=error&what=k_is_undefined, etc.

Then you parse the server logs for the stats. (or you send your request right into the database by tracker.php?action=create&what=sth)

Since you control the site it's now easy to make these requests when a user logs in, or an ajax request fails.

For error handling you can use window.onerror:

// send a request about an event to the server
function fireEvent(action, message, options) {
  var loggerUrl = "/tracker.gif", parameters;
  options = options || {};
  options.url = options.url || window.location.href;
  options.user_agent = navigator.userAgent;
  options.message = message;
  for (var i in options) {
    if (options.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
      parameters += "&" + i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(options[i]);
  new Image().src = loggerUrl + parameters;

// log script errors
window.onerror = function(errorMessage, url, line) {   
  fireEvent("error", errorMessage, {
    url: url, 
    line: line
  return true;

// example event on the page
fireEvent("ajaxError", "XY page failed to load");

(note: window.onerror is not available in safari)


And here is a proof of concept for a PHP parser:

$i = 1;
$d = file_get_contents("log.txt");
$requests = explode("\n", $d);
foreach ($requests as $req) {
  $pos = strpos($req, "tracker.gif");
  if ($pos === false) continue;
  $start_pos = strpos($req, "?", $pos);
  $end_pos = strpos($req, " ", $start_pos); // can also be " HTTP"
  $length = $end_pos - $start_pos;
  $req = substr($req, $start_pos+1, $length);
  $exprs = explode("&", $req);
  echo $i . ".<br>"; // request number
  $i += 1;
  foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
    list($name, $value) = explode("=", $expr);
    echo $name . " =>" . $value . "<br>"; // key => value
Interesting alternative solution which I have not seen before (tracker.gif).
Google Analytics does the same thing actually. Interesting means you're gonna try it out?
Yes. I am testing it right now , but my current problem is parsing log file , Dou you have any idea to parse it easily .
what kind of format do you have?
x.x.x.32 - - [08/Jul/2010:16:58:24 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 356 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4" ------- this is one line
ok. see my update. Have fun!
I like this , perfect .Thank you .

There are plenty of options if you google for "real time analytics". But most of them are paid.

I'd recommend mixpanel and chartbeat.
