I'm trying to use some radio buttons to be selected and use the parameter as a find condition for my model... SO far I have. View
<% form_tag do %>
<p> <%= radio_button_tag :interest, "apple" %> Apple </p>
<p> <%= radio_button_tag :interest, "orange" %> Orange </p>
<p> <%= radio_button_tag :interest, "peach" %> Peach </p>
<p> <%= radio_button_tag :interest, "banana" %> Banana </p>
<p> <%= submit_tag 'Choice' %> </p>
<% end %>
<p>Result: <%= @result %></p>
how do i get @result = param[?], so it displays the value of the radiobuttons?
Eventually, I would to put the parameter into a find conditions where it would be something Fruit.find(:all, :type => "name LIKE ?", param[?])
I looked at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623051/radio-buttons-on-rails but I didnt know how to make is a form so you I could read the parameter value