



I'm having to debug a WYSIWYYG javascript based HTML editor that is failing in IE8. It's only designed for use in IE so that should simplify the solution. Here's the existing code that is failing:

function isAllowed() {
    var sel
    var obj

        sel = foo.document.selection

        if (sel.type != "Control")
            obj = sel.createRange().parentElement()
        } else {
            obj = sel.createRange()(0)

        if (obj.isContentEditable) {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

Essentially what is happening is that if you select some text and click say the 'insert image' button it first runs this isAllowed function to see if the text you've selected is editable (i.e. within the iframe that is content editable). This seems to be breaking down in IE8 at at either document.selection or createRange(). The problem is that when you don't select any text with your mouse but just click somewhere in the editable region sel.createRange().parentElement() seems to return an element outside of the iframe and it's thus not ContentEditable and the function returns false.

I'm wondering if anyone could shed any insight on to what has changed in IE8's implementation of selections and ranges that would cause this behaviour?


Have you considered using a debugger or putting alerts into the javscript so you can figure out what is happening. Figure out which element is being returned and maybe you will find your problem. It's possible it returning some parent element instead of the iframe (I'm just guessing here). Also, I am not sure why it would run if they have only clicked in the area though. Maybe I misunderstanding something.

Hehe, been messing with the IE8 debugger for hours. I can see what's happening and basically if you haven't selected anything but have the cursor in the iframe somewhere, getParent() on the 'selection' returns a large chunk of the overall page. It's as if it's ignoring the iframe. Perhaps the problem lies with the iframe (referred to in the code with the variable foo). I'll dig further. Who uses foo in production code!!! really! (I didn't write the code :D)
Brendon Muir
Hope you figure it out. Maybe what is happening is when you have only clicked its trying to get the parent of the iframe instead of content in the iframe?

Ok, the answer was pretty simple! It must be a change in the way IE8 keeps the focus on the iframe, by adding foo.focus(); to the code below, everything works as expected. Hope this helps someone, but it probably won't if their code was written properly in the first place :)

function isAllowed() {
    var sel;
    var obj;

        sel = foo.document.selection;

        if (sel.type != "Control")
            var rng = sel.createRange();
            obj = rng.parentElement();
        } else {
            obj = sel.createRange()(0);

        if (obj.isContentEditable) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
Brendon Muir

I've been hitting the same problem, while trying to use tinymce in IE8. What is foo in the "solution" you posted? it appears to be undefined.

David Karger
Foo refers to the iframe in this code. Basically the solution was to make sure it has focus before calling document.selection. Given that you're dealing with tinymce they should hopefully be on top of a bug that big already! :)
Brendon Muir