




I want to create a website, just out of passion. I do not have much web programming experience( zero experience ) but I do have good Java programming skills.

I am planning to do my development on WAMP stack so that it would be easier to migrate at a later stage if needed. I have the following questions: 1) How to design a good database? Like for example I need to design tables for user registration etc. 2) Also if I were to provide discussion forums, say for example like stackoverflow does, where and how to store all the content?In a way, my question is that am I designing a content management site? If so, is Stackoverflow a content management site as well? Is the content stored in database tables? 3) Last but not the least can any one please suggest good books or tutorials that can answer all my questions for designing a site like stackoverflow?


If you need write databases you can use PHP and MySql and both have pretty good documentation. However if you are wanting to have discussion forums you should look up where you can get prebuilt forums. That should point you in the right direction plus if you google some of this stuff you finds lots of info and tutorials on it.

@qw3n...thanku..i will look at the phpbb as well..i want to write my own content management site..i am not sure how involved it will be..i am the only developer working for myself..
Something else you might look at is wordpress it is primarily a blogging CMS but it can work for a website as well.

If you are looking for a SO clone, you have shapado (Ruby on Rails)

If you want to start with WAMP dev do this:

  1. Install XAMPP/WAMP
  2. Install a simple lightweight open source CMS to understand the anatomy of the app and the database on your localhost.
  3. When you understand that, start with your prototype.
  4. Code, code and code, that is the ONLY thing which will actually make you understand!
@zengr thanks for the pointers...they are really helpful...i have a question...does stackoverflow use a 3rd party software to manage the content...can we write our it very involved?( i will definitely look at the CMS links you provided)is all the content saved in a database?
Yes SO has it's "own" application. Shapado is just a clone of SO. Yes you can definitely write your own, but I suggest take small steps, very small steps. Narrow your objective/requirement and implement that first. So on and so forth. Please accept if you got your answer.
+1  A: 

I am also new to web dev, so i am not sure how helpful my thoughts will be, but perhaps since I just made my first site, I could help in some way.

Since you work with Java, which was my background language, I started with C#. I am not sure how fancy you want to get, but I just made my tables using microsoft SQL server. I also used VS 2010 and used the entity framework. It was pretty easy to design the pages using with C# code behinds. Also, with the entity framework queries are much more object oriented.

This is a pretty awesome demo that got me started:

Sorry if what I wrote was too trivial or basic, but that is how I made my first site.

@PFranchise..thanku..i will check that out