



Because I haven't found a better way to handle my configuration, I have been using XmlSerializer to serialize a Dictionary (explain that later) containing all the things I want saved. Now that I have gotten more crafty, I have started to build more complex data types. The only problem is that now when I serialize the object, it throws an error because its not a primitive data type. If I make a new serializer for every value, I then cannot load the object back. Is there an easy way around this? Or an easy library for saving and loading any data type.

The Serializable Dictionary. I'm using <string,object> for <T,S>

public void ReadXml (System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
 try {
  XmlSerializer deserializerKeys = new XmlSerializer( typeof(T) );
  XmlSerializer deserializerValues = new XmlSerializer( typeof(S) );
  while (true) {
   T key = (T)deserializerKeys.Deserialize(reader);
   S val = (S)deserializerValues.Deserialize(reader); // fail :(
   this.Add( key, val );
 } catch ( Exception e ) {
  Console.WriteLine( e.Message );
  Console.WriteLine( e.StackTrace );

public void WriteXml (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
    // ONE OF THE serializerValues is always commented out
    // Im just showing the two ways I have done this
 XmlSerializer serializerKeys = new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) );
    // this works for loading but not for saving >.>
 XmlSerializer serializerValues = new XmlSerializer( typeof( S ) );
 foreach ( KeyValuePair<T,S> pair in this ) {
        // this way works with the saving but fails with loading
  XmlSerializer serializerValues = new XmlSerializer(pair.Value.GetType());
  serializerKeys.Serialize( writer, pair.Key );
  serializerValues.Serialize( writer, pair.Value );

Then I have another class that is derived from List<SimpleRegex>, it holds all the SimpleRegex objects and a "selected regex". The SimpleRegex is just a class that holds a simpler regex syntax and provides the same sort of methods a normal regex would(match, replace, etc.). That way, normal people can use it. This RegexCollection (the List<SimpleRegex>) is not primitive. That is my problem. Basically, all I want to do is save and load any data type.

+1  A: 

Using XML Serialization have some conditions:

  • It can't serialize Multidimensional arrays
  • The class which is going to serialize should have a constructor without any argument.

Any data type will not be serialize with XML Serializer...

Use Binary Serializer

public void SerializeObject(string filename, Object o)
    Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create);
    BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    bFormatter.Serialize(stream, o);

and binary deserializer

    public object DeserializeObject(string filename)
        object o;
        Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
        BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        o = (ObjectToSerialize)bFormatter.Deserialize(stream);
        return o;
Jalal Amini
Well, XML Serializer definitely can serialize arrays.
Yury Tarabanko
I know I keep on about it, but `BinaryFormatter` is **not** a great choice for anything that is getting persisted, for example to disk (or a db). The only thing it has in its favor here is that it works with `object`. My take there would be "don't use `object` here - know the data up-front". And `BinaryFormatter` *also* has demands - for example that your type is `ISerializable` or `[Serializable]`.
Marc Gravell
Thanks, but I mean Multidimensional arrays!Following exception rise for Multidimensional arrays while Xml Serializing:"Cannot serialize object of type System.Int32[,]. Multidimensional arrays are not supported."But recommended use XML Serialize for saving configuration...
Jalal Amini

Just make the properties/variables!!!! and XmlSerialize the Config class.
