Right to the point: How would I map a Dictionary<String, String>
to a ViewModel? The ViewModel contains properties of the same name of the Dictionary keys.
To give more information, the program reads a database record and returns all of the values for the record in a Dictionary<String, String>
. I only want to display 20-30 of these fields to the user while other processing happens behind the scenes with the other fields. I've made a ViewModel and strongly typed the view. I can manually assign the properties from the Dictionary<String, String>
to the ViewModel properties, however this seems like the wrong way to fill the ViewModel.
I then tried using reflection to populate the fields, but again this seems like the wrong way to go about this.
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in this.GetType().GetProperties())
if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.Name.Equals("String"))
if (myClass.FieldValues.Keys.Contains(propertyInfo.Name))
propertyInfo.SetValue(this, myClass.FieldValues[propertyInfo.Name], null);
So again, is there a way I can populate my ViewModel using a Dictionary<String, String>
where the Key values are the same name as the ViewModel property values?