




Hi Folks,

Is it possible to specify a range of port numbers on the TcpChannel class rather than a fixed port or random port number.

We currently use a fixed port number for a remoting channel, but now because the application is being deployed in a citrix environment we need to use a range of port numbers to fit within their security environment. Using zero as the port number allocates a random port which will then be blocked by their firewall, so looking for something that could possible specify a range of port numeers to use (e.g. 9000 - 9500)

Kind Regards


AFAIK, you can't specify this in your config file, but it could certainly be done in code.

Stephen Cleary
Thanks Stephen, found out how to check for free ports using the System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties class. Cheers Noel

A Channel (TcpChannel included) is meant to listen to a single port. If you want to listen on multiple ports, you're going to need multiple Channels to support that.

Justin Niessner

Hi Folks, Below is a vb.net function which will return back the next available port from a range of port number so that you can use the next available port to open up a socket or do whatever is required.

I was not trying to open up multiple clients on the same port number or anything mad like that. I just needed to figure out which port numbers where available for use and direct the client to use that port number. This was for use in a Citrix environment where multiple clients were attempting to open the same port from different user sessions; using the code below allow us to resolve the issue.

''' <summary>
''' Routine to get the next available port number from a range of port numbers
''' </summary>
Private Function GetPortNumberFromRange(ByVal startPort As Integer, ByVal endPort As Integer) As Integer
    Dim ipProperties = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()
    Dim tcpInfos = ipProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections()
    Dim portRange = Linq.Enumerable.Range(startPort, endPort).ToList
    For Each tcpInfo In tcpInfos
    If portRange.Count > 0 Then
        Return portRange(0)
    End If

End Function