




I'm trying to write a script that would download currency rates from yahoo finance. The problem is ... i can't find any information on the limitations of this service. Especially i'm interested in how often i can query yahoo finance to access the quotes.csv file. Would yahoo kill my script if i executed it periodically every minute or so? Does anyone know where i could find some official yahoo information of things like that? I've been searching for hours, but it's either well hidden or it's just hiding in plain sight and i don't see it...

+1  A: 

Usually its against the TOS of the website. However if you want to collect data that way on a small scale it is fairly trivial. I have mined yahoo finance in the past and have never been turned off. Don't hammer the out your requests. If you want to be even more clever about it script a web browser to do it for you. The page requests will then look identical.
