



Hiya All,

We currently use Google Maps to place points of partners we work with on a certain projects, we have a large number of "pins" across the globe. But what we would like to do is completely redesign it from the generic google maps map and pins to maybe something more adventurous or "cooler".

We're looking for inspiration for the UI. Anyone seen any good or cool implementations/mashups of Google Maps?

We've tried to search but alas couldn't find any. Can the stackoverflow community pinpoint us in the right direction?



Of course I'm biased, but take a look at our Map Area Search:

click on Map Search


You might want to mark this question as community wiki, as there's no one right answer.

That said, strong content is the coolest thing a map hack can provide.

My favorite lately is probably Zillow, which shows local real estate prices. The interface is straightforward, it's easy to use, and it works on iPhone and Android as well.

Dean J
I kinda think there will be an answer that will be "right" for our purpose, maybe not for everyone else, but it is something i will consider correct, thus it's not a community wiki as yet, but we'll see how responses come in. Thanks for the Zillow implementation, although they are using Bing maps and i am not the biggest fan of their style yet :(
Shadi Almosri

If you haven't already, check out the Google Maps Mania blog. Over the years, they've reviewed and cataloged thousands of google maps api mashups. If there is a slick google maps api ui out there, they have probably reviewed it.

+1  A: 

This has got to be some of the coolest use of Technology I have seen in an long time. The Band 'Arcade Fire' has made a music video using a certain service from the internet. Really, really creative. (Chrome is recommended)
