You can't. Expression trees don't have a node for field assignment, at least not in .NET 3.5.
In .NET 4, there will indeed be a node for that, as the DLR expression trees are being folded into the System.Linq.Expressions namespace.
To do what you want, you'll have to use System.Reflection.Emit instead. It's not hard though:
class Program
class MyObject
public int MyField;
static Action<T,TValue> MakeSetter<T,TValue>(FieldInfo field)
DynamicMethod m = new DynamicMethod(
"setter", typeof(void), new Type[] { typeof(T), typeof(TValue) }, typeof(Program));
ILGenerator cg = m.GetILGenerator();
// arg0.<field> = arg1
cg.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, field);
return (Action<T,TValue>) m.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<T,TValue>));
static void Main()
FieldInfo f = typeof(MyObject).GetField("MyField");
Action<MyObject,int> setter = MakeSetter<MyObject,int>(f);
var obj = new MyObject();
obj.MyField = 10;
setter(obj, 42);