



Hi, i'm working on a android app that will display Strings to the user, and the user then has the option to add one to a favorite list. I have searched and searched and cannot find the proper way of doing this. I did get one open source project, everything worked until the user removed a favorite. The database would clear the row of data, but when a new row is added, it would behave as if the deleted row still had data, leaving blanks in the favorite list.

this is my insert method

  public long insertString(String newString) 
    ContentValues newStringValue = new ContentValues();

    newStringValue.put(KEY_STRING, newString);

    return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newStringValue);

the long returned will always increment even if i use the remove method:

 public boolean removeString(long _rowIndex)
    return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null) > 0;

if i try to remove the third index, and the user removed a question at the third index, the method returns false, is there a way to completely remove all rows with no data?


Maybe just encode String List as something like JSON, then save as long string (blob / clob)? I would use Jackson JSON processor, but there are many alternatives to choose from (Guice, or XStream if you prefer XML). I mean, assuming you don't really need relational aspects of data (no need to find users with specific list entry by querying) but just need to persist lists.


You should use a CursorAdapter or ResourceCursorAdapter and when you modify the data call cursor.requery() to refresh everything.

Al Sutton
thanks, that worked out for me