Here's what I am trying to do:
Build a custom control that essentially is a scrolling tree view. Later on, it will have to monitor and interact with its items in a certain way. (e.g. it will have to find the element corresponding to a sort of path of names). Since all items will have the same size, this is a prime case for virtualization as well ;)
Not very surprising the elements are supposed to support basic interactions like responding (visually) to have the mouse hovering over them.
Here's how I tried to do it:
The actual tree class has a Items property (which is an IList) and two scrollbars as its visual children and overrides measure, arrange and render (a couple of - hopefully - irrelevant functions are left out):
public sealed partial class SyncTree : Control
ScrollBar verticalScrollbar = new ScrollBar();
ScrollBar horizontalScrollbar = new ScrollBar();
private VisualCollection visualchildren;
protected override int VisualChildrenCount
return visualchildren.Count + Items.Count;
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
if (index < visualchildren.Count)
return visualchildren[index];
return Items[index - visualchildren.Count];
private Size MeasuredSize = new Size(0, 0);
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
return availableSize;
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
return arrangeBounds;
private void ArrangeItems(Size arrangeBounds)
var y = Padding.Top - verticalScrollbar.Value;
foreach (var item in Items)
item.Arrange(new Rect(Padding.Left - horizontalScrollbar.Value, y, item.Width, item.Height));
y += item.Height;
y += RootNodeSpacing;
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext context)
//kill the ugly background-colored patch between the scrollbars
if (verticalScrollbar.IsVisible && horizontalScrollbar.IsVisible) context.DrawRectangle(verticalScrollbar.Background, null, new Rect(RenderSize.Width - verticalScrollbar.Width, RenderSize.Height - horizontalScrollbar.Height, verticalScrollbar.Width, horizontalScrollbar.Height));
context.DrawRectangle(Background, null, new Rect(RenderSize));
The items have their own type:
public class SyncTreeItem : Control
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
var size = new Size(FormattedText.Width + FormattedText.Height + 5, FormattedText.Height);
if (IsExpanded)
foreach (var item in Items)
item.Measure(new Size(constraint.Width - Indent, constraint.Height - size.Height));
size.Height += item.DesiredSize.Height;
size.Width = Math.Max(size.Width, item.DesiredSize.Width + Indent);
Height = size.Height;
Width = size.Width;
return size;
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
if (IsExpanded)
var y = FormattedText.Height;
foreach (var item in Items)
item.Arrange(new Rect(Indent, y, item.Width, item.Height));
y += item.Height;
return new Size(arrangeBounds.Width, y);
else return new Size(arrangeBounds.Width, FormattedText.Height);
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext context)
context.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, null, new Rect(new Point(0, 0), RenderSize));
context.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(RenderSize)));
var ft = FormattedText;
context.DrawImage(Icon, new Rect(0, 0, ft.Height, ft.Height));
context.DrawText(ft, new Point(ft.Height + 5, 0));
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("got mousedown!");
What's not working:
My main problem is that the child elements simply do not seem to be getting the mousedown event (or other mouse events). Maybe I do not get the whole Visual Tree and Routed Event stuff - but I never see the console output when i click the item. On the tree, i can get both the previewmousdown and the mousedown events...
Also, the inner controls do not clip to the inner display area (well, why should they), which I could fix by arranging them before arranging the scrollbars and overwriting GetLayoutClip. Alternatively I could try to make the children aware of their horizontal offset and simply arrange them in a rectangle that does not fit. I do wonder if there is a better way, however :)