This is a query based on the Northwind Database in MS SQL Server 2005.
First I have to get the average of the UnitPrice from OrderDetails table, and group it by ProductID for that particular column alone and alias it as AveragePrice.
Then I need to find the maximum(AveragePrice) which is nothing but the max of previous column, how can I do it??? This is a kind of very tricky for me its taking me ages to think on it.
E.FirstName+space(1)+E.LastName FullName,
(select avg(DO.UnitPrice) from OrderDetails
DO where OD.ProductID = DO.ProductID
group by DO.ProductID) AveragePrice ,
from OrderDetails OD
join Orders O
on OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
join Customers C
on C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
join Employees E
on E.EmployeeID = O.EmployeeID
This is not a Homework question, am learning SQL, but am really stuck at this point, please help me.