Hi Everyone, I've been trying to construct a sql query with ZendFW, but I cant seem to get it to function like I want to (or function at all). This is the query that works that I'm trying to build with zend_db select()
SELECT tc.trip_title, td.ID, td.trip_id,
(SELECT count(*) FROM 'trips_invites' ti
WHERE ti.destination_id=td.ID AND ti.accepted ='NR') AS "pending_invites"
FROM `trips_current` AS `tc`, `trips_data` AS `td`
WHERE (tc.ID=td.trip_id) AND (tc.creator_id = '1')
ORDER BY `trip_id` ASC
What I can't figure out is how to properly get that subquery in there, and nothing I try seems to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit/Answer: If anyone will ever have a similar problem, based on the suggestion below I re-worked by query in the following way:
SELECT `tc`.`trip_title`, `td`.`ID`, `td`.`trip_id`, count(TI.ID)
FROM `trips_current` AS `tc`
INNER JOIN `trips_data` AS `td` ON td.trip_id = tc.ID
LEFT JOIN trips_invites AS TI ON ti.destination_id = td.id
WHERE tc.creator_id = 1 AND ti.accepted='NR'
GROUP BY td.id
ORDER BY `trip_id` ASC
which using ZendFW I created this way:
$select = $this->dblink->select()
->from(array('tc' => 'trips_current'),
->join(array('td' => 'trips_data'),
'td.trip_id = tc.id',
'ti.destination_id = td.id',
->where('tc.creator_id =?',1)