



How to get a value of XElement without getting child elements?

An example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

If i use XElement.Value for <someNode> I get "somevalue<child>1</child><child>2<child>" string but I want to get only "somevalue" without "<child>1</child><child>2<child>" substring.


There is no direct way. You'll have to iterate and select. For instance:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(
var textNodes = from node in doc.DescendantNodes()
                where node is XText
                select (XText)node;
foreach (var textNode in textNodes)
John Saunders
Great thanks. In my program I'm needed in full enumeration of xml nodes and changes every values. With your sample I'm not needed in a recursive enum of xml nodes.
@MaxFX: This will still recursively enumerate all nodes within the element though. It's hidden, but it's still happening. See my answer for a way of avoiding that.
Jon Skeet

I think what you want would be the first descendant node, so something like:

var value = XElement.Descendents.First().Value;

Where XElement is the element representing your <someNode> element.

You can specifically ask for the first text element (which is "somevalue"), so you could also do:

var value = XElement.Descendents.OfType<XText>().First().Value;
+4  A: 

You can do it slightly more simply than using Descendants - the Nodes method only returns the direct child nodes:

XElement element = XElement.Parse(
var firstTextValue = element.Nodes().OfType<XText>().First().Value;

Note that this will work even in the case where the child elements came before the text node, like this:

XElement element = XElement.Parse(
    @"<someNode><child>1</child><child>2</child>some value</someNode>");
var firstTextValue = element.Nodes().OfType<XText>().First().Value;
Jon Skeet