I have Search Criteria, like seachOn dropdown, matchoption dropdown, seachcontent text box, then find button. In this if i click find these criteria is used to fetch the results from the database. Bu i need to add some more criteria by clicking addFilter link..It seems like adding multiple seach critera by dynamic. How could i achieve this? and idea? Only Struts2,Jquery.i can use display tag if necessary.
<s:action name="getFilterOptionsDropDown" id="actFilOption"></s:action>
<s:action name="getPropertyInfoDropDown" id="actPropertyInfo"></s:action>
<s:select cssClass="drop" name="filterCondtion.attributeName"
list="#actPropertyInfo.lstEntities" listKey="code" listValue="value"></s:select>
<s:select cssClass="drop" name="filterCondtion.filterOption"
list="#actFilOption.lstEntities" listKey="code" listValue="value"></s:select>
<s:textfield name="filterCondtion.attributeValue" cssClass="textbx" />
<a href="#"><strong><s:text name="common.addFilter" /></strong></a>
<s:submit cssClass="btn" name="button.find" key="button.find" />
<input type="reset" value="<s:text name="button.reset"/>" class=btn />
Please help on this.It is very urgent.