In the following picture:
I want to connect the boxes in the above with below, Let us call the bottom edge of the top boxes as A and top edge of the below boxes as B
Now, I have two arrays containing the points in the line A nd B say
A = [ {Ax1, Ay1},{Ax2, Ay2},.... ] and B = [ {Bx1, By1},{Bx2, By2},.... ]
In real world it can be like A = [ {100, 100},{120, 100},{140, 100},{160, 100}] and B=[ {120, 200},{140, 200},{160, 200},{180, 200},{200, 200},]
Please look at the black dots in the picture above
How can get the connectiong poins as shown in the pictures? Connecting point must be a close to the center of the line as possible.
Here is what I'm trying to get, but below functions draw line between the two matching points from the starting from the left of the both lines, Any suggessions
drawConnection : function(componentOut, componentIn, connectionKey) {
var outDim = $(componentOut).data('dim');
var inDim = $(componentIn).data('dim');
var outPorts = $(componentOut).data('ports');
var inPorts = $(componentIn).data('ports');
var abovePorts = {};
var belowPorts = {};
var i = 0;
if(outDim.bottomLeft.y < inDim.topLeft.y){
// Now proceed only if they can be connect with a single line
if(outDim.bottomLeft.x < inDim.topRight.x && outDim.bottomRight.x>inDim.topLeft.x) {
// Now get a proper connecting point
abovePorts = outPorts.bottom;
belowPorts =;
for(i=0; i<abovePorts.length; i++) {
for(j=0; j<belowPorts.length; j++) {
if(!abovePorts[i].inUse && !belowPorts[j].inUse && (abovePorts[i].x == belowPorts[j].x)){
console.debug("Drawing vertical lines between points ("+abovePorts[i].x+","+abovePorts[i].y+") and ("+abovePorts[i].x+","+belowPorts[j].y+")");
return true;
return false;
-- Update
I'm exactly trying to get something similar to this, but the connections should be made with straight lines as shown below