



I've got MS Chart control and with a references to GAC. I found them ( C:\Program Files\Microsoft Chart Controls\Assemblies )

but how to change GAC to local copy (bin) for comparability with other servers without installed MS Chart control for VS .

I've tried to add dll files manually but that was a fail. It's looking like I need to config Web.Config manually.

change it

<add assembly="System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/></assemblies>

somehow to move it from GAC to bin , so How ?

+1  A: 

In Solution Explorer in Visual Studio (or VWD, if you use the express version), find the DLL under References. Right-click it, and select Properties. Change Copy Local to True.

If you have a Web Site Project instead of a Web Application Project, the references will be directly in the Bin folder.

Tomas Lycken
but there is no right click menu in WebSite options. It's not Web Application project.
@nCdy How did you 'add dll files manually' if you didn't right click and choose 'Add Reference'?
Jeaffrey Gilbert
@Jeaffrey Gilbert Drug and drop ... but that wont helps. btw add reference if I pick a files returns GAC reference ... no idea why. (offtop: Jeaffrey is really beauty name)
@nCdy Thx. Right click then on the dll inside Reference, click properties, and change `Copy Local` to `True` as @Tomas said.
Jeaffrey Gilbert
There are only File name and Path properties. maybe it's because I'm using Nemerle integration :( So I'll try just move to bin those dll files... Hope it be fine on other PC.