



Hi Anyone,

Im going crazy with this. I did the ff:

  1. Create a datatable.
  2. Fill it from a SQL db thru SqlDataAdapter.
  3. Edit the datatable thru datagridview.
  4. Call the sqldataadapter.update but the changes are not persisted to the db.

A closer look at the datatable after editing, the row states were not updated even if i actually edited the datatable thru the datagridview but the edited DataRow(s) have changes in the item array. Really confusing.. Any ideas? Thanks.


Do you use DataBinding? Calling EndEdit may help...!

DataBinding did not help. It's really confusing.
+1  A: 

You need several things to make this work. If you drag the table from the Data Sources view you end up with a few different things on your GUI:

  1. a dataSet
  2. a bindingSource
  3. the TableAdapter
  4. a tableAdapterManager
  5. a BindingNavigator

With these in place you can look at the source code to see what hapens beind the scenes. You'll need the EndEdit (as Baldi said before) but you need a little more:

private void UpdateGridView()
    // validate that data types corresponds to database table column

    // ends edit on the graph table

    // ends edit on the graph table

    // connect to the database - and exceute changes

Hopefully this gets you started. If you want to learn more - you can follow this .NET database slide show with the complementary database tutorial. Good luck!
