I've been working on a program to read a dbf file, mess around with the data, and save it back to dbf. The problem that I am having is specifically to do with the writing portion.
private const string constring = "Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};"
+ "SourceType=DBF;"
+ "DriverID=277;"
+ "Data Source=¿;"
+ "Extended Properties=dBASE IV;";
private const string qrystring = "SELECT * FROM [¿]";
public static DataTable loadDBF(string location)
string filename = ConvertLongPathToShort(Path.GetFileName(location));
DataTable table = new DataTable();
using(OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(RTN(constring, filename)))
table.Load(new OdbcCommand(RTN(qrystring, filename), conn).ExecuteReader());
return table;
private static string RTN(string stmt, string tablename)
{ return stmt.Replace("¿", tablename); }
[DllImport("Kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern Int32 GetShortPathName(
String path, // input string
StringBuilder shortPath, // output string
Int32 shortPathLength); // StringBuilder.Capacity
public static string ConvertLongPathToShort(string longPathName)
StringBuilder shortNameBuffer;
int size;
shortNameBuffer = new StringBuilder();
size = GetShortPathName(longPathName, shortNameBuffer, shortNameBuffer.Capacity);
if (size >= shortNameBuffer.Capacity)
shortNameBuffer.Capacity = size + 1;
GetShortPathName(longPathName, shortNameBuffer, shortNameBuffer.Capacity);
return shortNameBuffer.ToString();
This is what I'm working with. I've tried a number of methods to write a new file, none of them productive. To be honest, while normally I would be an advocate of form and function, I just want the damn thing to work, this app is supposed to do one very specific thing, it's not going to simulate weather.
-=# Edit #=-
I've since discontinued the app due to time pressure, but before I scrapped it I realised that the particular format of dbf I was working with had no primary key information. This of course meant that I had to essentially read the data out to DataTable, mess with it, then wipe all the records in the dbf and insert everything from scratch. Screw that for a lark.