Hello. I'm trying to automatize a process of filling a web form. I want to take values from database, fill the web-form with them and submit the form. Before submitting I should fill a field with numbers written on capcha-image.
As far as I can't recognize the capcha by my program, I want to get it from the form, show it to user by win-application.
Could you please tell me how to get the image from web-form and put in into Image class (C#)? Here's an example of html-code:
<form id="work_permit" name="searchform" method="get" action="/prfrequest">
<span>smth smth</span>
<strong class="info_area" ><input type="text" value="" maxlength="4" name="series" /></strong>
<span>smth smth</span>
<strong class="info_area"><input type="text" value="" maxlength="6" name="num" /></strong>
<strong class="info_area"><input type="text" value="" name="email" /></strong>
<div class="instruction">
<div class="capctcha_main">
<div class="cap_form"><img id="xpic" src="../img/official/ajax-loader5.gif" /></div>
I need to get image with id=xpic