Hi there.
You could try getting technical by using WinDbg with the Sosex extension DLL. If you're not familiar with WinDbg then try reading Tess Ferrandez's blog which is a goldmine of .NET debugging information.
Basically, Sosex.dll has a !Refs
command which lists objects that have a reference to a specific object address you give. For example:
!refs <hexObjectAddr>
Lists all references held by the specified object
Lists all references to the specified object (searches heaps, stacks, registers, handle tables and the freachable queue)
Refs are listed in the following format:
hexAddr decSize strTypeName
Sample output:
0:000> !sosex.refs 7fff2970
Objects referenced by 7fff2970:
7fff1100 64 System.IO.__ConsoleStream
7fff1388 136 System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding
7fff2c50 48 System.Text.DecoderNLS
7fff2c80 280 System.Byte[]
7fff2d98 536 System.Char[]
7fff1140 24 System.Byte[]
Objects referencing 7fff2970:
7fff2fb0 32 System.IO.TextReader+SyncTextReader
Please note that this is a very hardcore solution, which will require a fair bit of preparation if you;re new to this. However, it can be a very powerful way to debug .NET apps.