There's something fundamental about VisualStateGroup
s that I'm not understanding. Everything I've read has led me to believe that they are orthogonal. That is, a state change in one group won't affect other groups. Indeed, they would be rather pointless if this were not the case.
However, in an attempt to understand some odd behavior I was encountering, I put together a simple example that shows that a state change in one group can trigger an animation in another. I'm trying to understand how this can be.
All I want is a ToggleButton
-based control to have one appearance when toggled (IsChecked == true
) regardless of whether it has focus or whether the mouse is over it, for example.
Firstly, I have a very simple control that transitions between custom states in a custom group:
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Input;
[TemplateVisualState(Name = normalState, GroupName = activationGroupName)]
[TemplateVisualState(Name = hoverState, GroupName = activationGroupName)]
[TemplateVisualState(Name = activatedState, GroupName = activationGroupName)]
public class CustomControl : ToggleButton
private const string activationGroupName = "Activation";
private const string normalState = "Normal";
private const string hoverState = "Hover";
private const string activatedState = "Activated";
public CustomControl()
this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(CustomControl);
this.Checked += delegate
this.Unchecked += delegate
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
protected override void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e)
protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)
private void UpdateStates()
var state = normalState;
if (this.IsChecked.HasValue && this.IsChecked.Value)
state = activatedState;
else if (this.IsMouseOver)
state = hoverState;
VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, state, true);
Secondly, I have a template for this control that changes the background color based on the current state:
<Style TargetType="local:CustomControl">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CustomControl">
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="Activation">
<VisualTransition To="Normal" GeneratedDuration="00:00:0.2"/>
<VisualState x:Name="Normal"/>
<VisualState x:Name="Hover">
<ColorAnimation Duration="00:00:0.2" To="Red" Storyboard.TargetName="grid" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Panel.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)"/>
<VisualState x:Name="Activated">
<ColorAnimation Duration="00:00:0.2" To="Blue" Storyboard.TargetName="grid" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Panel.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)"/>
<Grid x:Name="grid" Background="White">
<TextBlock>ToggleButton that should be white normally, red on hover, and blue when checked</TextBlock>
For the most part it works, but when the control loses focus it transitions back to the normal state.
I can get around this by explicitly handling focus changes in my control and enacting a state update:
public CustomControl()
this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(CustomControl);
this.Checked += delegate
this.Unchecked += delegate
// explicitly handle focus changes
this.GotFocus += delegate
this.LostFocus += delegate
However, it makes no sense to me why I have to do this.
Why is a state change in one VisualStateGroup
causing an animation defined by another to execute? And what is the simplest, most correct way for me to achieve my stated goal?