




I have 2 tables:

Table 1. options_ethnicity with the following entries:

ethnicity_id ethnicity_name  
1 White  
2 Hispanic  
3 African/American  

Table 2. inquiries with the following entries:

inquiry_id ethnicity_id  
1 1  
2 1  
3 1  
4 2  
5 2  

I want to generate a table that shows the number of inquires by ethnicity. My query so far looks like this:

SELECT options_ethnicity.ethnicity_name, COUNT('inquiries.ethnicity_id') AS count
FROM (inquiries 
    LEFT JOIN options_ethnicity ON
    options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id = inquiries.ethnicity_id)  
GROUP BY options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id

The query gives the correct answer but there is no column for African/American which has 0 results.

White 3  
Hispanic 2

If I replace the LEFT JOIN with a RIGHT JOIN, I get all 3 ethnicity names, but the count for African/American is wrong.

White 3  
Hispanic 2  
African/American 1

Any help would be appreciated.

Here's an update to this post with what seems to be a working query:

    COALESCE(COUNT(inquiries.ethnicity_id), 0) AS count 
FROM options_ethnicity LEFT JOIN inquiries ON inquiries.ethnicity_id = options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id 
GROUP BY options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id 


    'NULL Placeholder' AS ethnicity_name, 
    COUNT(inquiries.inquiry_id) AS count 
FROM inquiries 
WHERE inquiries.ethnicity_id IS NULL 
+3  A: 

You counted a string instead of the right column

SELECT options_ethnicity.ethnicity_name, COUNT(inquiries.ethnicity_id) AS count
FROM inquiries 
RIGHT JOIN options_ethnicity ON options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id = inquiries.ethnicity_id  
GROUP BY options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id
+3  A: 

Because you're using a LEFT JOIN, references to the table defined in the LEFT JOIN can be null. Which means you need to convert this NULL value to zero (in this case):

   SELECT oe.ethnicity_name, 
          COALESCE(COUNT(i.ethnicity_id), 0) AS count
LEFT JOIN INQUIRIES i ON i.ethnicity_id = oe.ethnicity_id
 GROUP BY oe.ethnicity_id

This example uses COALESCE, an ANSI standard means of handling NULL values. It will return the first non-null value, but if none can be found it will return null. IFNULL is a valid alternative on MySQL, but it is not portable to other databases while COALESCE is.

In the real database table, there are some entries in the inquires table where the ethnicity_id is NULL, i.e. the ethnicity was not recorded. Any idea on how to get these null values to be counted so that they can be shown?

I think I understand the issue you're facing:

   SELECT oe.ethnicity_name, 
          COALESCE(COUNT(i.ethnicity_id), 0) AS count
     FROM (SELECT t.ethnicity_name,
           UNION ALL
           SELECT 'NULL placeholder' AS ethnicity_name,
                  NULL AS ethnicity_id) oe
LEFT JOIN INQUIRIES i ON i.ethnicity_id = oe.ethnicity_id
 GROUP BY oe.ethnicity_id

This will pickup all the NULL ethncity_id instances, but it will attribute the counting to the "NULL placeholder" group. IE:

ethnicity_name   |  COUNT
White            |  3  
Hispanic         |  2
NULL placeholder |  ?
OMG Ponies
Using COALESCE definitely worked. I'm off to study the COALESCE. Thank you so much OMG Ponies.
In the real database table, there are some entries in the inquires table where the ethnicity_id is NULL, i.e. the ethnicity was not recorded. Any idea on how to get these null values to be counted so that they can be shown?
@Mitchell: See the update, let me know if that's what you're after.
OMG Ponies
The Union query didn't quite work. It did give the extra "NULL Placeholder" field, but the count was 0 and should have been 4 (using the real database). However, your original query and the UNION gave me an idea, and the following query seems to work:(Ran out of space, so I'll add another comment.)
Here's the query that seems to work. Any additional thoughts are welcome, and again, your help is much appreciated.SELECT options_ethnicity.ethnicity_name, COALESCE(COUNT(inquiries.ethnicity_id), 0) AS count FROM options_ethnicity LEFT JOIN inquiries ON inquiries.ethnicity_id = options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id GROUP BY options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id UNION SELECT 'NULL Placeholder' AS ethnicity_name, COUNT(inquiries.inquiry_id) AS count FROM inquiries WHERE inquiries.ethnicity_id IS NULL
Hmm, I can't figure out how to format the comments, so I've posted the above query at the bottom of the original question.
@Mitchell: Comments support *very* limited formatting - better to update your question if you want formatting.
OMG Ponies

Why don't you "reverse" your query?

  COUNT(inquiries.ethnicity_id) AS count
  Left Join inquiries On options_ethnicity.ethnicity_id = inquiries.ethnicity_id

You still might need a Coalesce call, but to me, this query makes more sense for what you're trying to accomplish.

Brandon Montgomery
Brandon, thanks for the response. I believe that your "reversed" query is functionally the same as my original query but with "LEFT JOIN" replaced by "RIGHT JOIN" and you're correct that is the proper logic. The COALESCE is still required in order to have empty ethnic categories report 0.